DanSchafer.net: All Things Dan Schafer

Welcome to DanSchafer.net: All Things Dan Schafer. Although I think DanSchafer.net looks best in Purdue Gold and Black, you can check it out dressed in pink, or even a random color.
The Schafer Family Thanksgiving holiday went well. Our family got together in Minneapolis, MN at my brother Alan's place. He and his wife Jodie were most hospitable to sixteen people for almost a week. We enjoyed unseasonably mild weather, and way too much food that tasted absolutely incredible. We also enjoyed sitting around enjoying each others company, playing ping-pong, with the nephews and nieces, and lots of football. I have posted many pictures and videos of our Thanksgiving holiday.
I have many plans for the future, but I'm just glad that I've finally finished migrating to a PHP/MySQL solution from an ASP/Access disaster. DanSchafer.net: All Things Dan Schafer, should be more responsive than ever. You should no longer get a "File Already in Use" error when you try to look at the pictures.
So, what's up with the name change to 'DanSchafer.net: All Things Dan Schafer'? Well it might seem egomaniacle, but I assure you that it is not. I am in the process of trying to increase my site profile on search engines without cheating. For those of you that don't understand what I mean by that, don't worry, most people don't.
There is finally new B.O.T.M.. After almost 9 months with the same B.O.T.M. it was time for a change. It is a slight deviation from the norm, but I think you will enjoy it. I hope to add a blog to the site, just in case I actually have the time to write down my many random musings. I will be adding more pictures as soon as I can, and many, many more once I return home from my trip (mid-August).
Just in case you missed the upgrate to the look of DanSchafer.net: All Things Dan Schafer, you can check out the old look of DanSchafer.net on this nonfunctional window. This web page is like wine, it only gets better with time. Unfortunately, time to spend on my web site is in short supply as of late. Feel free to take a gander at anything. Check out my resume, some pictures, past and present projects, and some of the sites that I visit.
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